Management Treasury & Capital Markets
- Koen Westdijk, Head of Treasury
- Sydney Siahaija, Manager Funding
- Mascha Ketting, Senior Funding officer & Investor Relations
- Michiel Matthijssen, Senior Funding officer & Investor Relations
- Friso Koeleman, Funding officer & Investor Relations
Email Funding > 1 year: capital.markets@bngbank.nl
- Jaap de Raat, Senior dealer Money Markets
- Winston Verbakel, Junior dealer Money Markets
Email Money Markets < 1 year: moneymarkets@bngbank.nl
Treasury & Portfolio Management
- Igor Grubisic, Manager Treasury & Portfolio Management
- Vincent Verschuren, Senior ALM manager
- Sean Tervooren, Senior ALM manager
- Bianca Ydema, Senior ALM manager
- Koen Hendriks, ALM manager
- Gylian Korver, ALM manager
- Susanne Docter, Dealer Treasury & Portfolio Management
- Bas Göring, Junior dealer Treasury & Portfolio Management
Email: tr_portefeuillebeheer@bngbank.nl
Email Derivatives: treasurytransacties@bngbank.nl
Call recording requirements under MiFID II
Due to MIFID II regulation, all calls and communication with dealingroom employees of BNG will be recorded and stored for a minimum of 5 years.
Even at BNG Bank things don't always go according to plan. If that happens to you, we want to know about it immediately. Then we can correct it quickly and learn from our mistakes. Read more about the complaints procedure.
Do you have a complaint or comment, or are you dissatisfied with the handling of your question? Mail to klachten@bngbank.nl. You will receive a response within three working days.
BNG Bank
Bordewijklaan 18
P.O. Box 30305
2500 GH The Hague
The Netherlands
+ 31 70 - 3750 750