CEO Gita Salden leaves BNG Bank per end of May 2024

16 February 2024

Gita Salden, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at BNG Bank, will leave the bank as per the end of May 2024 to join the board of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) as per 1 June. Salden will hold responsibility for monitoring Insurers and Pension Funds, and for monitoring Horizontal Positions and Integrity. The Supervisory Board of BNG Bank has initiated the recruitment process for a new CEO.

Gita Salden has been the CEO of BNG Bank since 2018. Salden: 'BNG Bank is a bank with a heart. You can feel that. I'm proud of the results we achieved with our colleagues, with a more focused strategy aimed at social impact. Our greatest compliment is from our clients, who indicated in a recent stakeholder survey that they perceive us as a trustworthy and essential partner for the issues they are dealing with. I will continue to work for the public interest and to contribute to the role the financial sector plays in it, but from a different perspective as part of the Board at DNB.' 

Huub Arendse, chair for BNG Bank's Supervisory Board: 'On behalf of the Supervisory Board, I want to thank Gita for the way in which she has led the company in these past years. Under her leadership, the strategy gained focus, the organisation became increasingly professionalised, and BNG maintained its unique position in the public sector. We are proud that Gita will take on this great position on the Board at DNB, and wish Gita lots of success with her new job.' 

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