Thomas Eterman CCO of BNG Bank
3 May 2021 - The Hague

In the role of CCO, Mr Eterman will provide direction for the client-related commercial activities of BNG Bank based on the strategic focus and the desired expansion of the client partnership at management level.
The CCO role is a new one at BNG Bank. In this position, Mr Eterman will become a member of the bank's Executive Committee, along with Gita Salden (CEO), Olivier Labe (CFO), Cindy van Atteveldt (CRO) and Jaco van Goudswaard (intended COO).
Mr Eterman (1976) studied Law in Groningen as well as Economics. In 2001, he started his career as a trainee with ING in Amsterdam and London. He subsequently held various roles, including internal consultant and recruiter, and worked for some time in Afghanistan. He worked as Relationship Manager Mid Corporates from 2006 to 2008 and as team manager from 2008. From 2010 to 2012, he supported members of ING's Executive Board as Business Manager and Secretary. From 2012, he focused on the client side again, first as Director Mid Corporates Central Netherlands and later, starting in 2017, as Director Public and Healthcare. While performing this role, he served customers including municipalities, housing corporations, education institutions and healthcare institutions together with his team.
Frederike Versloot, Spokesperson