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Annual report 2023

Thanks to our solid financial position, we were able to fulfil our market leadership role as a public sector financier. Leading rating agencies once again awarded BNG Bank their highest credit rating in 2023. Based on these ratings, we were able to raise funding at attractive rates in various currencies throughout the year, for both the short and long term.

It is good to see that municipalities, housing associations, and healthcare and educational institutions have used our loans and financial knowledge again this year to achieve important social goals. This includes projects in the field of the energy transition, keeping neighbourhoods liveable, and improving social housing, education and care institutions.

Research in 2023 showed that our customers greatly value our services and the advantageous financing and conditions. We are proud of this and continue to invest in optimising business processes and efficient services. In 2024, BNG Bank wants to further reduce the CO2 footprint of the loan portfolio and continue to provide impetus to the ESG performance of its customers and the bank itself. We will do this through our loans and our knowledge, in close collaboration with our clients. 

Download annual report 2023

The annual report and the financial statements are published in English and together they form the Annual Report BNG Bank 2023. For our shareholders and customers we have made a Dutch version. In case anomalies the English version is leading.  

Pillar 3-report

Besides the annual report we yearly publish a report about the capital adequacy and risk management of BNG Bank. This report is published about three months after the publication of the annual report. The Pillar 3-report over 2023 is available:

General Meeting of Shareholders 

The annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at wednesday April 25th 2024. At March 29th the annual report, the invitation and documents for the meeting were send to the shareholders.  

Key figures 2023

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